Monday, June 27, 2011

Fall Accessories, Set To Drums Or Strings

Pamela Love’s presentation last night was a feast for the ears, as well as the eyes. As she had last season, Love recruited pal Hisham Bharoocha to pound out a psychedelic drumbeat, live; this time, Bharoocha’s drumming made for a particularly fitting accompaniment to the new jewelry Love showed. Forgoing last season’s exploration of dimension and scale, Love turned her eye to color, working rainbow-hued raw crystals into her pieces. The stalagmite-esque settings were shown with long, featherweight white dresses Love created with Frank Tell—dresses that once again raised the question, when is Pamela Love going to start designing clothes?

Down the hall at MAC & Milk, there was more music, of a very different kind. Eyewear brand Illesteva staged its first-ever presentation this season, and in lieu of models, branch honchos Daniel Silberman and Jus Ske decided to put their new sunglasses on the players in a 17-piece string orchestra. “We like to show our glasses on regular people,” Silberman noted. “Just artists, doing their thing.” Their “thing,” in this case, involved playing a number of classical tunes, as well as one setting—for strings—of a Tupac track. No doubt the party Illesteva is throwing tonight at Milk, to celebrate the launch of its collaboration with André Saraiva and Annabelle Dexter-Jones, will get a slightly more danceable soundtrack.

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