Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Lillian Bassman Day!

Left: In This Year of Lace, Dovima, dress by Jane Derby, The Plaza Hotel, New York, 1951. Reinterpreted 1994. (Harper’s Bazaar, October 1951)
Right: Black—With One White Glove, Barbara Mullen, dress by Christian Dior, New York, 1950. Reinterpreted 1994. (Harper’s Bazaar, April 1950)
The Mayor has officially declared it Lillian Bassman Day in New York, and we atBazaar are celebrating, since Bassman published many of her amazing photographs in the magazine. She began as an art director at Junior Bazaar in the '40's, then moved to Harper's Bazaar, where in addition to taking her famous pictures, she also promoted the work of such luminaries as Richard Avedon, Robert Frank and Arnold Newman. The 93-year-old legend will be presented with a proclamation from the city this afternoon.
Above, two of our favorite shots, featuring models Dovima and Barbara Mullen. Editor-in-chief Glenda Bailey put it best, telling the LA Times, "You have an emotional response to her photographs — you can almost smell the lily, hear the phone ring, feel the fur. Lillian is a poet of photography."

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