Friday, June 17, 2011

Zoran Dobric Look Book Spring /Summer 2011

Zoran Dobric Look Book Cover

After study at Fashion Design School Instituto Maragoni in Milan ,Zoran come to Canada and start his
own label 2005.
Zoran works has been published in magazines and books from the USA,China,Germany,France,Spain, and Canada ( Elle,Flare,Fashion etc.).
Zoran's designs are available in China,USA,Kuwait and Canada.He collaborates
with Artist/Graphic Designer Sasha (Aleksandar Skoric ) based in Japan.

Q:When did you begin designing clothes?
Zoran Dobric:Probably when I was 7 or 8 years old. I was also drawing princesses in elaborate dresses.
My grandmother was a seamstress and I enjoyed playing with her leftover fabrics.

Q:What do you think it takes to become successful fashion designer ?
Zoran Dobric:Probably 80% good business sense and financial background....and 20% talent and hard work! It's a really competitive and oversaturated industry, and to strike the balance between art and commerce is quite a challenge.

Q:Is there any advice that you can give to new designers?
Zoran Dobric:Young designers need to focus their vision and do a lot of research and preparation work
before designing and marketing your collection.
It is really important to believe in yourself, have a clear vision and not to get discouraged.

Q:Where we can buy your design pieces and collections ?
Zoran Dobric:For updated availability and contact please visit

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