Monday, August 1, 2011


bauwa u r so sweet

i m elder to u
but u care for me like i m a baby
i sometimes get rude with u
but dealing with my bad mood is like ur hobby

bauwa u r so sweet

u know me so well
that i thnk u knw me better than me
wenever i m in a sad mood n i look around
it feels as if u r near me
bauwa u r so sweet

ur chu chu wala juta
or ur ur fav baloons
i will for sure get it for u
to make u look even more like toons

bauwa u r so sweet

me saying u pugu pugu
n ur innocent laugh on it
makes me so happy bauwa
n i can just die for it

bauwa u r so sweet

wenever i am in a bright mood
i dont call u i confess
but at my bad times
u r the only one to lessen my stress

bauwa u r so sweet

bauwa aur likhna hai.... avi adhura hai....ok

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