Monday, August 1, 2011




U didnt succeed,
U have lost every game,
Success is what you need,
want to do something on your name.

But quiting is not an option.

Regretting for not getting a chance,
Crying for lack of sources,
U get nothing in advance,
U need to work with all forces.

But quiting is not an option.

What has gone is an evaporated dew,
Worthings are many,they are not so few,
Reaccumulate your power and go with a blast.
All iz well if it is well atlast.

But quiting is not an option.

Maybe you didnt get luck support,
Then be a parasite of ur life,
Just suck up your desires from life,
N this can be done not by fearing but sticking to life,

But quiting is not an option.

Do not search for big chances,
Coz,size matterr for valueless things,
Do the best where you are,
And your good work will bring the springs.

But quiting is not an option.
hope u all get my message wat i wantd to convey.. Thanx..

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